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In Less Than Two Years, a Smartphone Could Be Your Only Computer | WIRED

With the current pace of mobile innovation, for many of us, a smartphone could become our only computer in the next two years.


This is further proof of what I–and several others (RJ Jacquez comes to mind) about the proliferation of mobile. It’s spreading and growing in leaps and bounds! It’s still growing and adapting and morphing, but yes, mobile is becoming more and more commonplace all the time. I know that I will always be likely to use mobile, but I’ll also be one of the last to let go of my laptop due to the kind of work that I do. Even so, this is a compelling article to show that technical communicators had better get on the ball with mobile, if they haven’t already! 


See on Scoop.itM-learning, E-Learning, and Technical Communications


Danielle M. Villegas is a technical communicator who currently employed at Cox Automotive, Inc., and freelances as her own technical communications consultancy, Dair Communications. She has worked at the International Refugee Committee, MetLife, Novo Nordisk, BASF North America, Merck, and Deloitte, with a background in content strategy, web content management, social media, project management, e-learning, and client services. Danielle is best known in the technical communications world for her blog,, which has continued to flourish since it was launched during her graduate studies at NJIT in 2012. She has presented webinars and seminars for Adobe, the Society for Technical Communication (STC), the IEEE ProComm, TCUK (ISTC) and at Drexel University’s eLearning Conference. She has written articles for the STC Intercom, STC Notebook, the Content Rules blog, and The Content Wrangler as well. She is very active in the STC, as a former chapter president for the STC-Philadelphia Metro Chapter, and is currently serving on three STC Board committees. You can learn more about Danielle on LinkedIn at, on Twitter @techcommgeekmom, or through her blog. All content is the owner's opinions, and does not reflect those of her employers past or present.

2 thoughts on “In Less Than Two Years, a Smartphone Could Be Your Only Computer | WIRED

  1. Interesting. I came across a 19 year old graduate recently who didn’t have an email address. He communicated soley through mobile apps like Snapchat, Twitter, etc. So maybe the “In less than two years” timeline is already here?

    1. Perhaps that graduate is an early adopter of a different kind! It’s much like those who use only a mobile phone, and have no landline at home. I admit to being one of those who can quite let go of my landline yet. I’m still using Windows 7, too (but looking forward to Windows 10!).

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