About TechCommGeekMom

The Tech Comm part:IMG_9632
I’m a web publishing consultant/content design strategist, and a 2012 graduate of the Master’s program of Professional and Technical Communications (MSPTC) at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), having professionally been involved in technical communications, mostly with content design strategy and management, for most of my IT career. I’ve worked in a variety of different industries, including manufacturing, pharmaceutical, financial, philanthropy, publishing, and e-learning.

The Geek Mom part:
I am a geek, and I am a mom. Inspiration for labeling myself a “geekmom” came from the website, Geekmom.com, as I strongly associate with the ladies in that group. (I know one of the contributing editors/writers there, too.) I have long been a geek, majoring in history in my undergrad years, yet loving many pop culture things related to sci-fi, computing, arts and crafts, genealogy, and martial arts. Yeah, call me ecclectic, but it works.

So, altogether, you have one TechCommGeekMom.

If you’d like more information about me, please check out freelance business website, or click on the link above in the navigation bar. If you are interested in working professionally with me, contact me at techcommgeekmom@me.com.

5 thoughts on “About TechCommGeekMom

  1. Hi, I was just wondering how long you’ve had your masters and if you would recommend NJIT to prospective students? I’m a 27-year-old with a B.A. in Psychology; I minored in English and loved writing research papers in Psych & History classes. I currently live in Chicago and the only grad program here in Tech Comm is Illinois Institute of Technology, but unfortunately they have a strict GPA policy (3.0/4.0, I have a 2.7) and have very high tuition. I’d like to earn my M.S. in Tech Comm and be marketable for a job within 2 years; what do you suggest now that you’ve been through the process?

    Thanks so much for your time.



    1. Hi Zelma,
      I would definitely recommend NJIT’s MSPTC program to prospective students. I know IIT has a great program as well, but I can understand your hesitancy due to your GPA (mine was about the same, and from about the time you were a toddler! Man, I sound old now.) I would check out the NJIT MSPTC website at http://msptc.njit.edu and see if it offers what you like. My next recommendation is to start through one of the graduate certificate programs that are offered for tech comm through NJIT, namely the Technical Communications Essentials certificate or the Social Media Essentials certificate. The requirements aren’t quite a stringent as applying for the Masters, and all the courses can be transferred directly into the Masters program. This is how I started–with the TC Essentials certificate, and once I knew that I liked the information I was learning, then I transferred everything into the Masters program. In the end, I ended up with two credentials instead of just one. Check out the link on the menu bar here for “My e-Portfolio”. There is a video about my take on the program on the front page that I did for NJIT. You will also be interested to know that the e-portfolio itself was my “thesis”/capstone project for my Masters as well, and it doesn’t include everything I did, but rather the best of what I wanted to offer. If you are still interested, contact them directly, and talk with Dr. Coppola, who is the director of the program. Tell her I sent you. 😉

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